[제 4회 서울국제명상엑스포] 외국인 대상 명상 프로그램 안내
페이지 정보
작성자 한국어교육원 조회185회 작성일 23-08-08 14:49본문
How about a meditation program to help you heal
from the exhaustion of a busy work life?
- Experience a healing meditation program designed to
rejuvenate you from the daily grind.
제 4회 서울국제명상엑스포 응용명상
The 4th annual Seoul International Meditation Expo
: programs in applied meditation
안녕하세요- 동국대학교 자체 개발 명상 프로그램인 응용명상 중
외국인 대상으로 진행하는 프로그램이 있어 소개합니다.
Hello! We would like to introduce our applied meditation program,
a self-developed meditation program at Dongguk University specifically designed
for foreign participants. Join us for a transformative experience!
신청 Register now >>> https://forms.gle/D8i2CSyK1KZ7QVKq6
Pre-registration for this applied meditation program
◎ Title: Appropriate Effort: mindfulness as a means to balance work with rest
◎ Lecturer: Brian Somers
◎ Program schedule:
1. Aug 3(Thur) 14:00~15:30(Class completed)
2. Aug 10(Thur) 14:00~15:30
3. Aug 17(Thur) 14:00~15:30
4. Aug 24(Thur) 14:00~15:30
◎ Location: Dongguk University's Daegakjeon, International Seon Center
신청 Register now >>> https://forms.gle/D8i2CSyK1KZ7QVKq6