동국대학교 국제어학원



Certificate Application and Receipt Guide of 2023 Fall Semester

페이지 정보

작성자 한국어교육원 조회213회 작성일 23-09-14 15:28


Hello, this is the Dongguk Institute of Korean Language.

Please refer to the following information regarding the application and receipt of certificates for the 2023 Fall Semester.

1. Target: Students or graduates of DIKL

Freshmen of the Fall semester can apply for the certificates from 19th of September (Mon), first day of the class.

2. Types of certificates (Total 5): Certificate of enrollment, transcript, certificate of payment of tuition, certificate of completion, bank confirmation

3. How to apply and receive a certificate: Scan QR CODE Apply for a certificate You can receive it after 2 pm the next day.

Please refer to the attached file for details.

4. Notices

- In principle, the certificate must be received by the person her/himself. When receiving, it is essential to bring a valid ID card such as a student card, passport, or alien registration card. If you do not bring your ID card, you cannot receive a certificate.

- After applying for the certificate, you can receive it after 2pm the next day.

- We discard the certificate if you do not receive it within a week of application. (Certificates are Valid for 2 weeks)

- Certificate of Enrollment not available for financial institution submission

- The bank confirmation is issued only once for submission to Shinhan Bank and Kookmin Bank on campus. Valid for one day on issue date.

5. Inquiries: 02-2260-3472


Thank you.


[04620] 5th floor(#501) Hyehwa Building, Dongguk University, 30, Pildong-ro 1-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea | Tel: +82-2-2260-3471~2, 3758, 3498